$150 - First Account
$75 - Second Account in Annuitant’s Name 1
$100 - Non-Registered Account 2
1 Discount does not apply to Tax-Free Savings Accounts (TFSA), Individual, Corporate, or Joint accounts.
2 Discount only applies to accounts opened on or after August 1, 2025 and if the client has an existing account at Olympia Trust Company.
The Annual Administration Fee is charged immediately upon the opening of an account and is prorated to half price for accounts opened July 1st or later each year. The full Annual Administration Fee will then be charged on January 1st of each year thereafter.
$100 - Purchase
$75 - Exchange of Security (takeover or transfer)
$125 - Contribution In-Kind 3
$175 - Non-Brokered Private Security Purchase 4
$2 - Deposit of In-Kind Distribution (DRIP - Dividend Reinvestment Plan) 5
$15 - Security Redemption (full or partial) 5
All fees are subject to applicable taxes
3 Does not apply to Dealer Affiliated Accounts
4 Does not apply if submitted through Olympia Online / Approved Software / Registered Dealer.
5 Does not apply if security is issued in uncertificated form; processed by Olympia Trust Company Corporate & Shareholder Services; or the security qualifies as a debt instrument.
$200 - Purchase
$150 - Contribution In-Kind
$200 - Transfer In In-Kind
$15 - Monthly Mortgage Fee (per administered mortgage/per account)
$18 - Monthly Mortgage Fee (per standard mortgage/per account)
$100 - Additional Advance
$25 - Information Statement
$75 - Renewal
$100 - Manual Purchase Review 6
$100 - Rush Funding or Rush Payout Request Fee
$50 - Discharge (Administered Mortgage)
$75 - Discharge (Standard Mortgage)
$50 - Execution of Documents
$25 - Payment Schedule Change
$25 - Payment of Mortgage Invoice
All fees are subject to applicable taxes
6 Does not apply if submitted through Olympia Online Mortgage Dashboard or to residents of Québec.
$50 - Administration Fee (per trade, plus applicable brokerage commissions and charges)
$100 - Contribution In-Kind
$75 - Partial Withdrawal or Transfer-Out In-Cash
$100 - Partial Withdrawal or Transfer-Out In-Kind
$250 - Full Withdrawal or Transfer-Out
$100 - Annual Administration
$100 - RRSP to FHSA (RC720) or FHSA to RRSP/RRIF (RC721) transfer
$25 - Income Fund Payment & Deposit In-Kind
$50 - Unscheduled Income Fund Payment – In-Cash
$75 - Income Fund Payment – In-Kind
$100 - Annual Administration 7
$40 - Online EMS Purchase
7 Discount only applies if the client has an existing account at Olympia Trust Company.
The Annual Administration Fee is charged immediately upon the opening of an account and is prorated to half price for accounts opened July 1st or later each year. The full Annual Administration Fee will then be charged on January 1st of each year thereafter.
$25 - Document Processing Fee (Account Opening and EMS Purchase submitted via email, fax, or mail) 8
$20 - Cheque Processing Fee (per deposit/per investment/per account) 9
$10 - Mailing Fee
$50 - Account Research (per request)
$25 - Issuance of Cheque
$50 - Returned Item/NSF Transaction
$125 - Tax Deduction Waiver
$150 - Estate Settlement (per account)
$50 - Early Account Closing Fee (if closed within 90 days of opening)
$50 - Rush Processing Request Fee
8 Does not apply if submitted through Olympia Online / Approved Software.
9 Does not apply to contributions and fee payments made by cheque.
Olympia Trust Company reserves the right to recover all out-of-pocket expenses. Any miscellaneous fees for services provided by third parties will be charged at cost. Olympia Trust Company may assess fees for extraordinary services not outlined in this schedule.
Pursuant to your account agreement, you agree to pay Olympia Trust Company annual fees and transaction fees in exchange for providing services in connection with your self-directed account. All fees are charged when the transaction is processed except the annual administration fee.
A late payment charge of 2% per month will apply to any overdraft amounts not paid by March 15th of each year.
All fees are subject to applicable taxes.